- Bush track on country
- Aunty Beryl with Wulgurukaba dancers at the Barada Barna and Widi#2 determination
- Uncle Joe Skeen presenting David with a boomerang at the Widi#2 and Barada Barna determination
- David with Barrister Susan Phillips at the Widi#2 and Barada Barna determination.
- David with Tom Keely SC
- Uncle Alo giving evidence at Mer
- Father Manas giving evidence at Kubin
- David and the Sea Claim team
- David with Rob Blowes SC
- David at the on country Gugu Badhun consent determination
- David at the Jangga on country consent determination
- David with Avon Noah (Mer) and Greg McIntyre QC at the national native title conference in Townsville
- David and the Widi#1 Applicant at Widi#1 consent determination
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Hyde Park QLD 4812