David Saylor is a sole practitioner who has a vision and passion to provide unique and high quality legal services in relation to the conduct of native title claims, native title compensation claims, cultural heritage protection, fisheries law matters, discrimination and equal opportunity matters, offshore resource projects and matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander property rights.
Saylor Legal is particularly committed to providing high quality and affordable legal advice and representation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities, corporations and various proponents or Government agencies Australia wide. Saylor Legal also accepts instructions in the areas of cultural heritage protection, future acts, Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) negotiations, human rights and equal opportunity law, fisheries law, offshore resource projects and facilitating and mediation of intra-Indigenous dispute resolution.
Native Title claims resolution
Authorising and making native title claims over land and sea.
Agreement Making
Assistance and representation on native title future acts and right to negotiate matters.
Heritage Protection
Negotiating cultural heritage agreements. Assistance with cultural heritage protection and compliance. Developing cultural heritage survey processes.
Designing corporation rule books. Incorporating Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) and nominated bodies corporate.
Negotiating trust deeds and the establishment of trusts.
Discrimination and Equal Opportunity
Advice and representation on racial discrimination matters, employment and workplace discrimination, age discrimination, disability discrimination and sex discrimination.
Fisheries Law
Advice on State and Commonwealth fisheries management legislation, policy, quotas and management.
Offshore Projects
Advice on offshore projects such as aquaculture projects.
Fishing and Hunting Rights
Providing advice and representation on traditional hunting prosecutions under State and Commonwealth legislation and regulations.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Act claims
Preparing and making land claims under the Aboriginal Land Act (Qld) 1991 and Torres Strait Islander Land Act (Qld) 1991.
Native Title Compensation Claims
Assistance with making and prosecuting native title compensation claims.